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ASTRail final conference

30 October 2019




Workshop "Developing the Future Radio for Rail Transport", ETSI

4 July 2018

GSM-R, the railway telecommunications system standardized by ETSI, based on GSM mobile communications system, is the interoperable mobile radio system within Europe and worldwide. ETSI Technical Committee for Rail Telecommunications (TC RT) is working on the definition of a FRMCS system architecture (reference model) in coordination with relevant organizations such as UIC (International Union of Railways), Shift2Rail and ERA (EU Agency for Railways). ETSI continues to work on the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) use cases and related potential requirements in coordination with 3GPP.


Sophia Antipolis, France


3rd Workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems

20 April 2018

The aim of the workshop was to present different modelling approaches, to discuss pros and cons for each of them, and to start a collection of interesting benchmarks for diverse formal methods.


Thessaloniki, Greece


Transport Research Arena (TRA). During the conference the project was presented

16 April 2018

Digitisation, Automatisation and Decarbonisation are major trends that will drastically change the way we live, work and use mobility and transport in the future. Under the heading of “A digital Era for Transport”, the Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA 2018) has explored, discussed and demonstrated these major paradigm shifts specifically directed at important areas of our life, such as transport, mobility, logistics and industrial production. Among policy makers and stakeholders framing research and transport policy, Maurizio Spirito (ISMB) presented the ASTRail project.

Please find below the slides of the seminar
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Vienna, Austria


Safety of Future Systems: Science meets Industry

12 April 2018

The aim of the workshop was to bring together academics and practitioners from different application areas, e.g. railway engineering, aerospace, aviation, maritime, and automotive industry, to discuss the main challenges in safety assessment of future emerging systems. During this meeting Stefania Gnesi (ISTI-CNR) gave a presentation on the work on WP4 of the project ASTRail titled: "Formal Methods and Tools in Industrial Applications: The ASTRail Approach"

Please find below the presentation
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Leiden, Nederland


RAMS for GNSS. Educational dissemination action

8 March 2018

With the framework of ASTRail, an internal seminar to disseminate at an educational level the notions around the project, such as moving block signalling, GNSS in rail, RAMS requirements etc., was organized. Around 30 PhD and postdoc students from ENAC participated in the seminar.

Please find below the slides of the seminar
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Internal Seminar, ENAC


RSSRail International Conference 2017

15 November 2017

In the second International Conference, RSSRail 2017 on ‘Reliability, Safety, and Security of Railway Systems. Modelling, Analysis, Verification, and Certification’, Daniele Trentini (SIRTI) presented the project ASTRail, with a focus on the WP4 contents in line with the topics discussed during the event.

Please find below the presentation
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Pistoia, Italy


Forum Méthodes Formelles 2017

10 October 2017

During this forum dedicated to formal development methods, Franco Mazzanti (ISTI-CNR) introduced the work done so far in WP4 of ASTRail in his presentation ‘Deadlock free dispatching for fleets of vehicles’. The intuitive approach in avoiding gridlocks during the dispatching of a fleet of vehicles presented has been originally investigated for the design of a prototype of Automatic Train Supervision System (ATS) in the context of a CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) System but can be generalised to the dispatching of generic fleets of vehicles.

Please find below the presentation
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Toulouse, France



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777561

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